my new camera! yes, another one ;)

for the past year or so, i've really embraced analog photography, and mostly have been obsessing over the lomo cameras. i still love my digital, but i've had a lot of fun with film. most recently i've been reading up on this shooting "through the viewfinder" thing, which combines analog and digital in a really cool way. you take a photograph with one camera by shooting through the viewfinder of another camera. this blog goes does a great job of walking you through the process and provides other excellent resources. also, there is a flickr group that's worth checking out :) very cool pics.

i'm really excited to experiment with TtV photography. i snagged this beauty, an argus seventy-five twin lens reflex camera, online last week and just got it this afternoon :)

and here is my first shot. this is definitely a tricky way of shooting! it's gonna take lots of practice, but i'm looking forward to the learning process :) 

haha, and here's my roomie jon! it cracked me up when i saw his face in there, it looks like he's trapped in the camera ;) this would be a fun photo session to do with some friends.

happy valentine's day

my valentines!

just finished my handmade valentines and shoebox for work tomorrow :) hopefully i'll place in the contest...hahaha. and i'm pretty excited for the free people valentine swap as well! i'll post pics of the results ;)


a while ago, my friend was telling me about this new term for taking pictures of someone without them knowing about it, called kinnearing (and yes, it's referencing greg kinnear) 

definition according to the New York Times:

kinnear v.
to take a candid photograph surreptitiously, especially by holding the camera low and out of the line of sight. coined in august by stephanie pearl-mcphee of the yarn harlot blog when she attempted to take a photograph during an encounter with the actor greg kinnear at an airport.

just thought this was funny. i kinda want to go on a kinnear photo adventure sometime ;) hahaha, probably impossible to do without looking creepy as hell.

"be careful what you wish for"

just saw "coraline" and really loved it! it was very well done and seeing it in 3D was pretty incredible. at times it reminded me of "pan's labyrinth" a bit, and some of it was kinda twisted...but in a cool way (i'm not sure i'd recommend it for younger children). i really liked the characters a lot too. go check it out!

windy city rollers

met up with some good friends last night and headed out to UIC to watch the windy city rollers in action. those girls are intense! my good friend is actually trying out for the team soon, i can't wait to see her out there kicking some ass! it was a lot of fun, can't wait for the next game :)