too funny

i'm still in that *phase* where i like to make a big deal about birthdays, esp. my own :) when my co-workers found out that i never had a quinceanera, we all decided that it was better late than never. 

so, i am having a viente y quatronera...celebrating my 24th birthday. here's the invite that my friend/co-worker chad designed...FABULOUS!!!! i love it. good work chad :)

*actual birthday is may 20th

new look

so i got sick of not really being able to customize anything with my previous blog design, so i switched from my ftp ( over to blogger ( i'm still adjusting/customizing this layout, so hopefully i'll have time to get it looking cool :)

i'll update more when i have more time.

how i learned my spanish growing up

"loteria cards" aka mexican bingo....aka amazing!!!
i love these things :)